

About me

My name is Philipp Polland and I'm a former student at DHBW Mannheim Germany, from where I recieved a bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science, while gathering working experience at a partnering company. I now work at Roche Diagnostics Germany GmbH as a Technical Specialist, focusing on blood analyzers.

I'm a passionate developer and very interested in all things tech-related. I am especially looking forward to see, where the VR industry is headed, not just because I invested in some pretty expensive hardware. :D

Other than coding, playing video games and reading up on tech news, I listen to a lot of music in my free time, as well as playing the violin and occasionally singing in the shower.

I am also very interested in movies and TV shows and try to stay up to date on new shows and movies, as well as all older classics.

My approach to learning

I believe that when it comes to coding, learning by doing is the most thorough way to acquire new knowledge and skills. Therefore, I'm trying to constantly work on small projects, in which I usually write every part of the application from scratch. In my opinion, this provides me with the deepest possible understanding of the problems that I encounter along the way, as well as helping me appreciate already existing solutions even more, while giving me a better understanding of how these solutions might work. 



Proficiencies and Skills



See technological skills section




Technological Skills


Operating Systems:

Command Lines:


Languages & Frameworks

Programming Languages:

